Nara Training & Assessing

Founded in 1997, Nara Training and Assessing is a recognised and accredited training organisation based in Western Australia. 

They provide participants with a competitive advantage through industry links, spanning over 20 years in the construction and trade industry.  

Nara’s team take pride in delivering superior customer service, tailored training, and flexible delivery and assessment to meet the needs of individuals, businesses and corporations alike.  

The business delivers courses through purpose-built facilities and on-site at workplaces. They understand the importance of quality training reflective of industry standards and practices and their trainers and assessors are WorkSafe accredited with quality work experience in their field of expertise. 

Nara is part of the IntoWork Group. 

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Skill Hire, MPA Skills celebrate apprentices’ success at WA WorldSkills Championships

MPA Skills (soon to be renamed as NextGen Skills) and Skill Hire (both part of the IntoWork Group) are delighted to celebrate the achievements of three exceptional apprentices who shone at the Western Australia WorldSkills Championships. The WorldSkills Championships provide young tradespeople with a platform to demonstrate their skills and compete against the best in […]

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Mas National supports First Nations Organisation win gold at Australian Training Awards

Mas National, part of the IntoWork Group, is thrilled to announce that its client, the Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples Prescribed Body Corporate Aboriginal Corporation (GMYPPBC), has won the gold award for Small Employer of the Year at the Australian Training Awards, held on Friday, December 6th. Based in Yarrabah, the largest discrete Aboriginal community in Australia, […]

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Help honoured in 2024 National Disability Awards

Help Enterprises (Help), part of the IntoWork Group, has been honoured for its exceptional work in the disability sector with two nominations at the 2024 National Disability Awards. The National Disability Awards spotlight the extraordinary contributions of individuals, groups and organisations across various categories, celebrating their dedication to creating an inclusive Australia where people with […]

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