Australian Apprenticeship Support Services

Setting you on the pathway to success

Mas National (Mas), part of the IntoWork Group, has been delivering employment and Apprenticeship support services (AASS) across Australia for over 25 years. We’re contracted by the Australian Government, and partner with businesses and individuals to facilitate Apprenticeships and other workforce participation opportunities across all industries through our ASSN program, Mas Experience.

Delivering the Mas Experience

As a trusted (AASS) provider, our Mas Experience team facilitates thousands of Apprenticeships across Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania each year in a very wide range of industries.

We streamline and simplify the process, providing vital support services to help grow the uptake and completion of Apprenticeships with end-to-end support services, including:

  • Support and guidance to businesses and individuals
  • Administrative assistance registering new Apprentices and Trainees
  • Managing incentives and other funding
  • Job matching and recruitment services
  • Personalised support and mentoring
  • Facilitating mutually-beneficial opportunities for job seekers and employers
  • Workforce development


 To explore how our AASS services can benefit your business or Apprenticeship journey, contact us today:

Mas National delivers Mas Experience in South Australia, Tasmania, and Queensland.

Kestrel delivers Mas Experience in Southern NSW.

MRAEL delivers Mas Experience in QLD.

Career Employment Group (CEG) delivers Mas Experience in South Australia.


Contact Mas today to explore how our AASS services can benefit your business or Apprenticeship journey.

For more information, contact

AGA supports apprentices and trainees through their Group Training Organisation (GTO), specialist mentoring and support programs, and pre-apprenticeship skills courses.
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Kestrel Recruitment is a registered Group Training Organisation operating in North East Victoria and Southern NSW. 
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Mas National offers transition, mentoring, networking and community services across Australia.
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MRAEL is a Registered Training Organisation, Senior Vocational College and an Apprenticeship Network Provider in Queensland.
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Media Hub

GTO celebrates three years as a Certified Social Trader

AGA, part of the IntoWork Group, has kept its position as an innovative and effective Group Training Organisation (GTO) by achieving three years as a registered social enterprise, certified by Social Traders. Social Traders offer Australia’s only social enterprise certification and aim to create a more inclusive and equitable Australia through three key pillars: supporting […]

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